Body Scan guided meditation with Rossana
Practicing the body scan is the opportunity to offer the body the attention and care, intentionally.
The invitation is to stop, find a comfortable, silent place, and follow the instructions.
Inevitable the mind will wander off, this is completely normal. Just noticed what took the mind away, give it a short label, and gently bring the mind back to the body.
According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, here are some sensations you may experience during the body scan.
tingly burning pounding throbbing trembling light/heavy
tight/loose shooting stinging airy cutting tense/relaxed
soft/rough prickly pulling burning vibrating cool/warm
stiff/flexible numb achy sinking clammy/dry airy/dense
shaky itchy pulsing achy dull/sharp
Emotional reactions you might notice
impatience/wanting to stop neutral enjoyment/wanting to continue
release joy sadness fear grief pride
disgust surprise anger frustration anticipation shame
Thoughts that may occur
Reviewing the past Imagining the future Thinking about others
Planning Evaluating/analyzing Circular thinking
Wishing/hoping/comparing Labeling/cataloging Judging your experience
© 2005 Jon Kabat-Zinn, Coming To Our Senses